Daisy-Brownie Units

Brownie 1: mostly 2nd graders (Mrs. Heather, Mrs. Jennie)

Brownie 1: day 1

Day 1 went great for brownie 1! We learned some new songs, made some bandanas out of fabric and paint (let them sit in the sun to get leaf and different shape impressions on them), made journals, met some animals, some playing in the rain. 

Listening to a story from the juniors first thing:

Making the bandanas:

Meeting some interesting critters (this is right when it started to rain):


Trying out our ponchos

Some of the TAGS under the shelter with us decided to play in the rain: 

Singing "singing in the rain", of course! 

Brownie 1: day 2

Day 2 included art with weaving, a god's eye craft, story time, and making robots!

Story time with Susan Fowler:


Yarn games:

We went on campus in a real college classroom to work on building a robot:

Brownie 1: day 3

Another busy day! 

We made some landscape paintings using different shaped sponges and forks.

We did some science experiments!

Went for a hike and found some mysterious paw prints in a puddle!


Made some ice cream... with science!

Walked back to campus with plans to do more fun things tomorrow. 

Brownie 1: day 4

Today we did some art, met a couple turtles (and learned all about them), learned about nature, did some knots, raced some underwater robots!

Learning about turtles

Learning some fun games from older Girl Scouts. 

Had some down time and they made up their own game. :)

Leaf impressions with art!

Driving an underwater robot!

Learning how to do knots

Learning more about nature

Brownie 1: last day!

Going to miss all the friends we have made this week. 

Making crazy hats

Mentos / coke experiments for science

Water day somehow involved shaving cream


A last group picture. 

Thank you for letting your girls spend the week with us!
Hope to see you again next year!

Brownie 2:

Story time with Susan Fowler

Hanging out with older girls (juniors), doing turtle races

Art with Ms. Sarah

Fancy kabob lunches on Thursday:

Sea Perch:

Science experiments on Friday:

Brownie 3: