1st day check-in will always be chaotic - be prepared, be patient
MONDAY (8:30-9am*)
Step 1: Please ensure you have everything per the packing list PRIOR to arrival Packing ListStep 2: Check-in with Registration table confirming registration information (receive wrist band - will be worn all week)
Step 3: Check-in with Nurses Table confirming permission and medication information (receive sticker(s) from Nurse)
Step 4: Check-in with appropriate Age level unit leader(s)
TUESDAY - FRIDAY (8:45 - 9am*)
Step 1: Please ensure you have everything per the packing list PRIOR to arrival Packing ListIF NO MEDICINE
Step 2: Check-in with appropriate Age Level unit leader(s)IF DELIVERING MEDICINE
Step 2: Check-in with Nurses TableStep 3: Check-in with appropriate Age Level unit leader(s)
* unless you registered for morning care then arrive at designated time